Friday, 25 November 2011

Lesson 6 Impact and leg flex

Henning got some impact tape. I hit a few balls and most balls were hit 1cm off centre. The ball flight was a slight draw. I did the 3 ball exercise with the ball I should hit in the centre. I hit the inside ball a few times. This is an exercise I should to to improve impact
In connection with the above we tried to analyse why my impact is off centre by 1cm. My down swing is a mirror image of the upswing. It should not be. With my hips turning first on the down swing there should be an angle in the shaft and not parallel to the ground like in the upswing

Finally, something I will be working on. My legs should have an athletics stance. My hips were moving upwards which has quite an influence on my impact. Henning asked me about a baseball swing. It should be the same.
Just a good turn and look what is behind you and (Henning said imagine a red hot lance) the flex in the leg should not change.
In the follow through my right knee should touch my left knee.

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