Had short session with Henning. We first talked about swing plane where I had the wrong idea of bending forward and doing the ruler exercise. This should be done from the golf posture. My mistake was that on the take away i was too much on the outside and too steep on the top meaning that I would have to cross the plane and thereby having to correct at some point. instead of keeping a simple plane.
We talked about chipping. Two variants. The classical and the more straight chip. The difference being that the classical Mickelson chip has more forward press thus having a lower trejectaory. The Luke Donald type of chip has a higher trejectory. One can also use the ball position more to the front to increase it.
I hit a few pitches with my 52. Henning asked me to hit them with the 58 (up to which ponit I had little confidence). he said two wise things -
Freue dich auf jeden schlaeger and du kannst jetzt jeden schlag
Ich soll nur aufpassen das ich auf the lippe beisse beim spieln
It clicked on the range today. I noticed that apart from not playing with a glove which felt great, I...
shifted my weight to my left side, rolled on the outside of my left foot and was on the toe of my right foot on the follow through.
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