Wednesday 5 October 2011

lesson 1 with henning

Had my first lesson
1. We worked on balance first. Standing on one leg than the other.
2. Posture
We watched a few pitches of mine on camera. My posture was all hunched..
Henning showed me 2 exercises: Club behind back like warming up for golf
                                                  Keep club in front of you and bend foward from the hips
Shoulders back chest out and firm abs.
3. Watched my pitches again:
My weight was on the back of my foot and my angle of attack was too shallow. My wrist cock was negligible.
Club should be facing the sky and weight on the front. like a boxer punching. Like that I should get a higher angle of attack, compress the ball and give it much more backspin. Did a few shots... it worked and felt great.

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